#3 Incontro - Ph.D Days 2020 V Ed.
Da lunedì 29 Giugno al venerdì 3 luglio, ogni giorno dalle ore 9.30 alle ore 12.30, si terrà sulla piattaforma Teams il #3 incontro del ciclo di seminari “Ph.D Days 2020 IV Edizione”, il corso A Guide to a Succesful PhD Thesis: Connecting Structure, Research Methods and Management a cura del dr. Emanuele Naboni (Royal Danish Academy, Copenhagen and University of Parma)
Per partecipare è necessario prenotarsi. PRENOTATI
Course description:
The aim of this course is to support Ph.D. students wishing to conduct research within the Design Disciplines. The objectives of the course are three:
1) It grants breadth, fostering the development of a Ph.D. thesis Structure.
2) It gives depth, by converging on the development of customised Research Methods for the Design and Scientific Disciplines
3) It finally addresses all the aspects of the Management of a Thesis.
From the introduction to conclusions, producing a Thesis Structure is a hurdle. The course, uniquely based on participants' thesis work, proposes a step-by-step guide to devising a Structure that strengths Parts and Chapters organisation and connections. Either Ph.D. Researchers have just started their Ph.D., or are closing it; each participant will grasp the essential, iterative process by which research Questions generate Knowledge.
Critical to the Process is the vast range of Research Methods suitable for the diverse array of topics germane to Design Research (e.g. Qualitative Research design, Correlational, Experimental, Simulation, Case Studies, Research by Design). When logical, participants will be seeking ways to marshal the benefits of two or more Research Methods applied to their investigations.
Weaved with Structure and Methods, is the “Thesis’ Management”. It is here set a high emphasis on the "adventure" of being a research student. It is addressed how to get started, get through revisions, face deadlines and how to regulate the workload. The issues of working with supervisors, the varied stakeholders (comprising the ones of industrial Ph.Ds.) and the final examiners, is treated. The topic of dissemination along and after the Ph.D. is also debated.
The course offers a cohesive approach that will help you succeed. The course lasts a week. The spine-bone of the course is the Structure of the thesis. A full day is centred on a review of the strengths and weaknesses of Research Methods when applied to an individual PhD work. At the end of the course, students will pair Structure and Methods with the aid of a User-Friendly Graphical Tool. The “Thesis Management” is thoroughly discussed accompanying the days of the course.
Manage the Structure Your Thesis and its Parts. Focus on the foundations: Introduction and Research Goals
Let’s have a closer look into your thesis Parts
A focus on Research Methods Methods application in your work
Writing, Viva, Attributes of a Successful thesis. Other Academic Activities along with the PhD, Time and Energy Management, Management of relation to the thesis stakeholders
PhD Structure and Table of Contents presentations