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#1 Incontro - Ph.D Days 2023 VI Ed.

Venerdì 17 marzo alle ore 15.30 si terrà il #1 incontro del ciclo di seminari “Ph.D Days 2023 VI Edizione” nella sede del Palazzo Centrale dell’Università, Aula Magna, P.zza Università, 2- Catania.  Per partecipare è necessario prenotarsi. PREN​OTATI

La giornata avrà inizio con i saluti istituzionali del Rettore, Francesco Priolo, del Delegato ai dottorati di ricerca e ai master, Claudio Bucolo, della dirigente dell’Area Terza Missione, Rosanna Branciforte e del dirigente dell’Area della Ricerca, Giuseppe Caruso.  Seguirà il seminario dal titolo “La valutazione della qualità della ricerca” a cura del Prof. Salvatore Baglio Delegato alla Ricerca: Coordinatore/Ambito tecnico-scientifico.

Abstract: The measure of research quality and impact is increasingly important in Italy as well as all over the world for academic research. In fact often applications for grant funding or career advancement may require an indication of both the quantity and the quality of research outputs.

The measurement process however is always based on a detailed definition of the measurand and, particularly in this case, research quality cannot be defined without taking into account also impact. Research impact can be evaluated using specific metrics such as the h-index, or by quantitative methods such as citation counts or journal impact factors. This type of measurement is also referred to as bibliometrics.

This speech will deal with the description of a range of research quality parameters including citation metrics, alternative metrics, researcher impact, journal and book quality and impact. To conclude, some thoughts and considerations about the most appropriate use of these parameters will also be discussed with specific attention to the role of PhD and young researchers.